jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Are there other factors that could contribute to sugar addiction?

There are many other things that can make sugar even harder to get out of your diet.
Artificial sweeteners are a major problem. They fool your body into thinking that it is getting sugar. This can make your body crave the sugar even more. Artificial sweeteners also make it so you do not get used to the less sweeter flavor of natural foods.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), found in many processed foods, has replaced regular sugar in many products. It is six times sweeter than sugar. It does not act the same way as regular sugar in the body. HFCS does not stimulate insulin production, it is processed more like fat in the body. Some experts believe that it actually converts to fat faster and easier than regular sugar. It also could contribute to sugar cravings because if its super sweet flavor.

Alcohol consumption can contribute to sugar cravings. Many former alcoholics have intense sugar cravings because sugar acts very similar to alcohol in the body.

White flour, white potatoes, and white rice all convert to sugar in the body. These will all cause the high rise of insulin and the drop in blood sugar that leads to craving.

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