miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Why is sugar so addictive?

All humans are predisposed to want sugar. Back when humans were hunting and gathering, sweet was a way to know things were safe to eat. Bitter told us to stay away. Even people who say they have a "salt tooth"- it really is a sweet tooth in disguise. They crave things like potato chips, pretzels and crackers. These foods cause the same reaction as sugar in the body because they are refine carbohydrates.

When you eat allot of sugar your body over produces the hormone; insulin. The insulin reacts with the sugar causing blood sugar to drop. When your blood sugar drops, you crave more sugar. This is the cycle of sugar addiction.

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

The high cost of high-normal blood sugar

Normal blood sugar ranges from 60 to 90 milligrams of glucose per 100 milliliters of blood (mg/dl) before a meal.

High-normal blood sugar is defined as 100 to 125 mg/dl (full-blown type 2 diabetes is diagnosed at 126 mg/dl and above).

Without a blood sugar test, it's impossible to know whether your blood sugar falls within a normal range. And because elevated blood sugar typically does its damage silently, it's easy to brush off what few symptoms there are, like fatigue and mood swings.