I am too busy to have time to have a depression or to deal with my depression is not a realistic approach as well.
There’s a vast difference between “feeling depressed” and suffering from clinical depression. The despondency of clinical depression is unrelenting and overwhelming.
Some people describe it as “living in a black hole” or having a feeling of impending doom. They can’t escape their unhappiness and despair. However, some people with depression don’t feel sad at all. Instead, they feel lifeless and empty. In this apathetic state, they are unable to experience pleasure. Even when participating in activities they used to enjoy, they feel as if they’re just going through the motions. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person, and they may wax and wane in severity over time. Doing nothing about it generally makes it worse next.
While DEPRESSION is one of the most common mental illnesses even caused often mostly by external factors, it often can easily be cured, dealt with if not neglected, and it is rarely fatal thus.
TREATMENTS FOR DEPRESSION typically have high success rates, especially when recognized, admitted, PROPERLY DIAGNOSED. While only a third of people suffering from depression seek treatment, about 85 percent of those who receive adequate treatment have good results. It is ironic many people who too often mainly see others as being the sole cause of their own problems fail to see their own effective, proper solutions to it. We need not to lose a proper self perspective, solution now as well.
Depression is a major risk factor for suicide. There is a slow suicide approach as well, even brought on by ongoing problems, self pity, guilt, persecutions, oppressions Recognition of the problem can immediately lead to 90 percent of the solution.
Britain has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. Each year in the UK over 5000 people take their life. The Samaritans estimate that in the UK there is a suicide every 82 minutes. The charity Depression Alliance estimates that each year there are around 19,000 suicide attempts by UK adolescents whilst more than 2 million children attend GP’s surgeries with some kind of psychological or emotional problem.Each day, two people under the age of 24 commit suicide.
People kill themselves for a variety of reasons. Sometimes drugs and alcohol are a factor, as are social factors, poverty, deprivation, mental illness, or ”psychiatric injury”. The difference is important because injury has an external cause – in other words, something – or someone – is liable. The differences between mental illness and psychiatric injury are often not recognized; understanding the differences could alter the verdict, perhaps from suicide to manslaughter. To see the differences between mental illness and psychiatric injury. Psychiatric injury- Bullying, harassment and abuse cause injury to health, which is often diagnosed as stress and anxiety but may also include severe depression
We also all do need to learn to deal effectively and not by an ostrich approach with unresolved stress, life’s problems, Bullies and much more..
There is no single cause for depression. Many factors play a role including genetics, environment, life events, medical conditions, and the way people react to things that happen in their lives.